Roast Lemon and Herb Chicken..

I don’t know when it happened in South Africa, but having meat, has become such a luxury!
Prices have skyrocketed and when you do indulge, you best make the best of it.

I’ve never been a fan of the “braai pack”. The chicken is pumped full of brine and isn’t the cleanest you find on the market. I prefer full chickens or the trays that you find..they don’t have as much skin, and are never frozen, so you get a better sense of what you’ll get once cooked.IMG_1604

Anyway, let’s get to this recipe.
I’m not sure what led to me making this but I really enjoyed it. The chicken was tender and full of the herby and lemon flavour!
I thought because of the healthy preparation, I should serve it with a healthy side! So I made it with brown rice.IMG_1619

You’ll Need:
8 Chicken pieces
Salt and Pepper
Fresh Rosemary
Fresh Sage
Fresh Thyme
1 Lemon sliced
1 Cup Buttermilk

How To:
Clean your chicken and dry.
Add to it Salt and Pepper.
To that add your bruised herbs and your lemon slices.
Top with buttermilk and leave to marinate for a few hours in the fridge!
Transfer to a baking dish, and leave it in the oven at 140degrees for an hour or until your chicken has nicely browned and your marinade has reduced.
It’s so tender, and Fresh! Serve with a salad or cauli mash or veggies for a healthy meal!

Love Zama!IMG_1618





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